Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Finish Line!!

Well, we are done!

Sunday was the Graduation for the 2011 Class of Master's Commission Remix at Harvest Time.

It's been a long nine months, but I wouldn't trade the experience for anything! =) I've made life-long friends and grown so much closer to God.

However, I am more than ready to move up and on with my life. Going back into a college atmosphere after 6 years out of academia was, at times, stretching and, at other times, frankly annoying! lol

But, God was good and faithful. I've truly found the answers to my questions of "Why am I doing this program?" and "Why now?"

So, we've crossed our finish line, received our diplomas, and raced out the door!

Ready for the next phase, God! Let's go!

1 comment:

  1. Yea! Congrats {again}! I know God has something amazing planned for you.
